Coming up later this month is the first of three solo intimate recitals in the Laussade Studio, A Journey Through Romanticism, featuring yours truly.  This program spans four centuries and five composer-pianists who all performed/perform their own works: Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninov, and William James Schmidt, a Romantic living in the 21st century. Come hear sublime masterpieces and enjoy an intimate soiree with great music and wonderful friends. As always, there will be a fabulous party afterwards to which you are invited.Â
The Laussade Studio, 15 Greendale Road, Doncaster East, off the Eastern Freeway and Blackburn Road.
Thursday, August 29, Matinee Musicale, 10:45 for 11 am start – RSVP by Tuesday August 27
Sunday, September 15, 4:30 champagne reception for 5 pm start – RSVP by Friday September 13
Saturday, September 21, 6:30 champagne reception for 7 pm start – RSVP by Thursday September 19
A sumptuous dinner will be offered following the evening concerts, and a generous lunch following the matinee.
Tickets: $60 for evening recitals, $45 for Matinee. Credit card facility not available.
Reservations are required to secure your place, as seating is limited.
Email: elyane laussade @ outook . com
– When composing your email reservation please ensure you remove the spaces so that I can receive it (there are spaces to prevent internet spam). Include your telephone number for confirmation. As my cyber issues are ongoing, please text me if I have not responded to your email within three days.
Phone: 0 4 0 8 6 2 6 8 0 8.
Looking forward once again to sharing the magic of music with you,
Elyane Laussade
Also, if you wish to receive email invitations to future intimate recitals like this one, please subscribe below to my mailing list.